Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ringing in 2011

I left the end of 2010 extremely busy.  December was a full month that looked like this:
first weekend was drill
second weekend was drill again with a huge inspection
a quick 24 hour trip to New Orleans for work
school finals
hours picked up at my part time job
and then just working my regular full time job too!

I ended up having 2 days off the whole month. 

Now to ringing in 2011.  I would love for it to be a slower year but that won't be the case.  I will be going to school full time, working full time and will working hours at my part time job.  Whew! 

Have I mentioned yet that we have house projects that have been sitting undone for almost a year now.  Somewhere I have to find time to get to those. 

Hope the new year brings you everything you want!